
We often witness our public officials, doing in this fashion, or focusing, in their private schedule, and self - interest, instead of the needs, aims, priorities, and best interests, of our taxpayers. Even though this is definitely, nothing fresh, we’ve seen this behavior, moving to extremes, in the last couple of decades. In recent memory, have we seen, as far partisan politics, as we are currently seeing and experiencing, nor just as much, evident, dysfunctional governing.

Why can the electorate continue to allow this behavior, which appears contrary to, possibly their pursuits, nor applicable, sustainable, accountable authorities?

Having a Committee

After a committee, that has been, dependent on the extreme cooperation, like the House Intelligence Committee, deteriorated, to resorting to political rhetoric and concentrate, along with the chairman of the committee, Representative, appears to be preventing his private responsibility of independence and separation of the legislative from the executive branch, by somewhat reluctantly, and overtly, carrying the President’s water, and doing everything he could to protect the person, and serve him rather than the Office, or even the nation.

Priortizing the Agenda

Hunting particular legislative agenda priorities: we’ve seen, the Speaker of this House, seem to dismiss, his fundamental dedication, to the country, and shield the president seemingly because he considers, doing this, helps attain his legislative agenda, like so - called, taxation reform, along with other schedule priorities. Is not there a risk, but when one places his political pursuits, before those of their national interest?

Focusing on Accomplishments

For that reason, it appears, this degree of reckless, dysfunctional, behavior, comes about, since politicians always think about and concentrate upon their next effort, and pleasing somebody, that may help them accomplish this. Whether that clarifies behind the president, about the evaluation telling, just part of this narrative, to donors, it’s clear they are prioritizing their self - interest and private schedule, over people, they signify.