1,000 More FBI Agents
In an effort to enhance the safety of our nation’s communities, U.S. Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) introduced a bill to add 1,000 FBI agents to focus exclusively on traditional criminal cases such as drug trafficking and violent crime. This legislation will help ensure that the FBI has the resources to effectively achieve its counter-terrorism priorities without abandoning its traditional crime fighting functions.
Terrorists pose a grave threat to our country and in the wake of 9/11, the FBI was right to shift its focus to preventing terror attacks. But the safety of our nation’s citizens should be our top priority whether the threat comes from international terrorists or from the thug down the street. We have to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Overworked FBI agents have been forced to cast aside a wide array of critical cases ranging from drug probes to violent street gangs to white collar investigations. FBI field agents need back up and this bill will help answer that call.
More details here.